reheat baked potato

How To Reheat Baked Potatoes: Simple and Quick Methods

In summary: There are three ways to reheat baked potatoes: in a microwave, in an oven, and in an air fryer.

Baked potatoes are a universal side dish to any meal. It goes well not just with all types of meat, but also with other vegetables, especially if you prefer vegetarian meals.

But the leftover potatoes taste is not so great.

Can you make more and store leftover baked potatoes for tomorrow’s lunch? If you know how to reheat a baked potato properly, why not. 

The trick is to ensure that the potatoes retain their texture and do not dry out, which usually makes them tasteless. Here are some bits of advice on how to reheat baked potato and get crispy skin. You can apply these ways for sweet potatoes, too.

Warming Baked Potato In A Microwave

When it comes to reheating baked potatoes, the microwave will do quite a decent job. As always, the danger when it comes to the microwave is that potatoes may dry out entirely as they heat up. So, be sure to use little tricks on how to maintain potato moisture.

Step 1: Slice the Potato in Half

In order to retain moisture, you need to cut each leftover baked potato in half. This will make it easier for you to warm up the vegetables and allow it to stay moist. 

Step 2: Cover Each Potato with a Damp Paper Towel

After cutting the potatoes in halves, cover each half with a wet paper towel. This is the most important step that will allow moisture to be retained, not to get dried out potatoes.

Step 3: Nuke Potatoes for about 2 to 3 Minutes

Put the wrapped potatoes in a microwave-safe dish, and set up your microwave to medium heat. Heat for about 2 or 3 minutes, depending on how big the potato halves are and how strong your microwave is.

Reheating Baked Potato In An Oven

Many connoisseurs agree that reheating baked potatoes is best done in the oven. You can also reheat roasted potatoes using an air fryer, too.

The procedure is extremely simple but you will need more time since you have to preheat the oven, and then the potatoes. But, the result will be the best-reheated potatoes, and it will make potato skin crispy and nice.

Step 1: Preheat the Oven to 350 °F

The temperature for reheating the leftover potatoes in the oven should neither be maximum nor low. It will be best to set the temperature to 350 degrees and let the oven heat up.

Step 2: Place the Potato on the Rack and Bake

It’s advisable to let your potato rest a bit after taking it out of the fridge to reach room temperature. Perhaps, while your oven is preheating, use that time to temper potatoes a bit. After a while, place the potatoes directly on the oven rack to bake. 

You should put whole potatoes, instead of halves. Leave it like that for 15 to 20 minutes. Let potatoes cool a bit and serve.

Heating Baked Potato In An Air Fryer

If you want to reheat a baked potato but don’t have time for a classic oven, an air fryer is one of the better ways. It’s just as easy to make, and the hot air will heat up the leftover potato well without drying it out. 

This appliance is the best choice if you only have a few minutes to spare and get perfectly reheated baked potatoes.

Step 1: Take the Potatoes Out of the Fridge a Little Earlier

This step implies that you are not in a hurry but have time to heat up your lunch in a relaxed manner. If you have to rush, of course, skip this part.

Step 2: Place the Potato in a Basket

Baked potatoes can be placed directly in the air fryer basket because adding any sauces or extra oil is unnecessary. 

However, if you don’t feel like cleaning the basket afterward, cover the bottom with a baking sheet or aluminum foil. 

Just be careful not to pile too many cold potatoes at once. Ideally, it would be in one layer and, at most, two.

Step 3: Cook for 3 to 4 Minutes

The air fryer should be preheated to 350 degrees F. Place the basket of potatoes inside and cook for about three to four minutes. 

This should be enough time for the potatoes to heat through and form a nice crispy crust. Be careful only when serving. The potatoes will be very hot, so wait a few minutes before eating.



Once again, the oven proved to be the best way to reheat food. When it comes to baked potatoes, you will get the best result right in the oven. But, an air fryer and even a microwave will not give you bad results, so if you have little time, feel free to put them on for fast heating. Don’t forget to put a damp paper towel when nuking potatoes to keep them from drying out.

Up next: How To Reheat Mashed Potatoes

Photo AndreySt/depositphotos

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